View Full Version : How tight should a condom feel

Justin Chad Taylor
Sep 12, 2010, 3:53 PM
:flag4:You go to the pharmacy and there is about an abundance of condoms to chose from. Every time I put one on it seems that it dosn't roll on easily. I have to stretch the condom over the head of the penis. During intercourse I also feel it rubbing aganist the head and one time it even split at the tip. Has anyone experienced this same situation?


Sep 13, 2010, 7:40 AM
:flag4:You go to the pharmacy and there is about an abundance of condoms to chose from. Every time I put one on it seems that it dosn't roll on easily. I have to stretch the condom over the head of the penis. During intercourse I also feel it rubbing aganist the head and one time it even split at the tip. Has anyone experienced this same situation?


They should be snug but not tight enough to cause you to notice. Also, the correct way to use a condom is to us a dab of lube inside the condom as well as additional lube on the outside (depending on what kind of intercourse you're having (vaginal vs. anal) you will need more or less lube. putting the lube on the inside too helps smooth things out and prevent the condom from breaking. However, the condom shouldn't be so lose or so lubed inside that it could slide of the penis either. Its all about your size and matching the right condom. Check this website:


Try an adult store or good size RX store that carry variety paks or paks of 3 and try a few brands and sizes. Some places even have bowls full of various brands that you can take a few and try them out. Its all part of the fun. I wouldn't recommend waiting to "test" them when they are supposed to be protecting you and a partner though. Use them to masturbate with (you'll get a good feel for the fit rather than fumbling around with them in the heat of the moment.

Some brands are just small. Some brand I have found to be prone to breaking on me anyway (Lifestyle) (size shape could cause it). Being large, I have good luck with Durex Extra Sensitive and Trojan Magnum and Magnum XL. I still prefer Durex as I've never had one break and they are snug but not tight and very thin and sensitive. But, I prefer Durex regardless because they seem to fit most size guys. So, when I want someone to wear one, I can be SURE what they are wearing is a good quality one as well.

Sep 13, 2010, 10:15 AM
Gee...I have to double it over...

Sep 13, 2010, 12:49 PM
personally i hate the damn things...they are a pain to get on and feel i dont like the feeling of my unit being in a food saver bag..lol

Sep 13, 2010, 7:37 PM
You can buy condoms with bigger "headroom":tong: so to speak. Using lube inside also feels better and makes breakage less likely as others have mentioned. I always put on condoms only when I'm ready for business which helps also.

:flag4:You go to the pharmacy and there is about an abundance of condoms to chose from. Every time I put one on it seems that it dosn't roll on easily. I have to stretch the condom over the head of the penis. During intercourse I also feel it rubbing aganist the head and one time it even split at the tip. Has anyone experienced this same situation?


Sep 13, 2010, 8:12 PM
I have issue as well with condoms being too tight - cutting sensation and sometimes effecting my "strength", as it were.

I have also tried other condoms listed as "large" but they are still too tight.

I have used magnums and have had better comfort. However, with too much lube inside the condom, magnums tend to be a little less "fitting" than i am comfortable with.

If anyone knows of something in between the "large" and the magnum - let me know, I need it !

Sep 14, 2010, 1:31 AM
.... If anyone knows of something in between the "large" and the magnum - let me know, I need it !

As I said in my post: "Durex Extra Sensitive"

even though they don't say they are "large," they seem to be a good fit for larger diameter ... length doesn't seem to much matter as most all condoms I can remember were long enough in my experience.

Justin Chad Taylor
Sep 15, 2010, 10:01 PM
:bibounce:Thanks for everyone who answered my question. I tried the Durex extra sensitive condom and it fit perfectly. I had complete success and the lubricant was nice and smooth.:):)

Sep 16, 2010, 3:12 AM
:bibounce:Thanks for everyone who answered my question. I tried the Durex extra sensitive condom and it fit perfectly. I had complete success and the lubricant was nice and smooth.:):)

Great!!:cool: Its amazing how different brands and types can be!

(BTW, you can get them at Walmart for cheap compared to most RX stores.)

Sep 16, 2010, 3:33 AM
I'm also glad you found a brand that works.

However, I have a question of my own on the issue. What if the condom will not stay on properly? I freely admit that I am not a large man, is there some trick to secure it more firmly or shall I attempt to find a "tighter-fitting" contraceptive?

Justin Chad Taylor
Sep 16, 2010, 4:29 AM
The only thing to do is try different brands and types. The snugger fit condoms are really tight. My problem was I could'nt fit it over the head of my penis and I have an average sized penis. So just have to experiement with the different brands to see which one is best for you. Good luck.:cool:

Sep 16, 2010, 4:21 PM
Uhmmm, well, I would think cutting off the circulation might be a bad thing....*Grins*
Bad Cat

Sep 16, 2010, 8:43 PM
Gee...I have to double it over...
just tie a knot in the end, PeeWee

sorry, just couldn't resist the Porky's reference