View Full Version : New breed of video games: Simulated sex

Apr 7, 2006, 12:52 PM
This may interest some of you.

NEW YORK - Online games have so far mainly revolved around the killing of fantasy monsters. The occasional fight with a Stormtrooper provides some variety.

Companies are now developing a handful of games — though calling them that is a stretch — designed to give players a very different option: making love, not war.

In Naughty America: The Game, set to launch early this summer, players will assume the forms of alluring but cartoonish people who meet, flirt and have sex with other player characters.

Characters will have their own apartment, but the world will have also have "public sex zones" and themed rooms, said Tina Courtney, the game's producer.

"We've got the cowboy room, the make-your-own-porn room ... it doesn't just have to be `Your place or mine?"' Courtney said.

Flirting and dating have been rife in online games like Everquest and World of Warcraft — even leading to marriage between players — despite a lack of romantic or sexual features in the games.

On the other hand, sex-oriented games like Playboy: The Mansion and VirtuallyJenna have been single-player games with no online component, and thus no interaction between players.

This new crop of adults-only games would combine the player-player interaction of the online games and the graphic sexuality of the single-player games.

Game designer Brenda Brathwaite, who has been in the industry for more than 20 years, sees the new games as a natural evolution of online life, noting that even in the very simple text-based adventure games of the '80s, virtual eyelashes were batted.

"If there were two people playing, eventually those people would start flirting," said Brathwaite, who is working on a book about sex in video games.

Multiplayer sexual games are in the works now, Brathwaite said, because Internet connections have become fast enough to make graphically rich online environments and characters possible. For the games that envision players also meeting in real life, mainstream acceptance of dating sites like Match.com also helps.

In Red Light Center, a game already available in a test version, players take the shape of three-dimensional characters in a red-light district. They can talk to one another through headsets and microphones.

Rapture Online, a game Black Love Interactive LLC is set to launch next year, will also have three-dimensional characters, with a lot of attention paid to anatomical correctness. It will feature a networking component similar to that of a dating site, but it won't be necessary to use that feature.

"I'm hoping couples who are in a distance relationship will be able to use this privately between them," developer Kelly Rued said.

The rest of the article is here:


Apr 7, 2006, 1:35 PM
I can see it now...

Dear Santa,

Please bring me Red Light Center and Rapture Online for christmas. I've been a very good little girl! I only tease my five year old brother to make him tuffer.


Susie, 7 yrs old

Apr 7, 2006, 2:18 PM
screw simulated sex give me the real thing or nothing at all.

Apr 7, 2006, 7:16 PM
And how much do you suppose this will cost? Thirty-nine dollars? Forty-nine? Eighty-nine ninety-five? One of the best form of simulated sex is a good imagination, or a hand full of slippery lube and a good magazine or a dirty movie...I think its still called masterbation...Its cheap, fun, and you don't have to try to sell it at the pawn shop when the only "fucking" you get out of the game is paying an outrages price for a game that has "cartoonish" people getting it on... :2cents: :paw: :paw:

Apr 7, 2006, 10:23 PM
I suppose this could take cyber to the next level...