View Full Version : Sighs............

Sep 5, 2010, 2:10 PM
Okay to make a long story short, two nights ago I started having problems with power. I'd be able to talk to LDD for like five minutes and it would go again. Sometimes it would leave pc on but take out modem. Lights flickering in kitchen. Then it finally just went out. I have power in the rest of the place but not in this front room or my kitchen. Ran extension cords to some surge protectors for pc and plugged the fridge into the other one.

The major issue is water. I have a well. Me and Dad worked on the box and thought we needed new fuses. I go buy them and boy the price went up in the 8 years or so since I had to buy others. $18.91 for a box of four, had to get the time delay ones cause it was for a well.

Didn't fix the problem. Dad calls electrician to come out yesterday, earlier that morning I'd been to their house to get water and take a shower, came home and crashed. Dad wakes me up and says stay awake electrician is coming. I'm like "Dad, you realize this is like 2am for me, right?" he just shrugged and said "You want it fixed you stay awake" So I stayed awake.

Electrician gets here and we find out that the 220 box has the side blown out of it, had happened awhile back cause rust was on the pieces, and says it has to be replaced cause it's only half working. I have 110 current that runs everything else but the well is 220. Stove is 220 too but I never used it anyway except for heating water for coffee.

It will be at least Thursday before we can do anything about it cause Dad wants to have the money in hand before he gets the work done. Gonna be anywhere from $300 to $500 and prolly closer to the high end. Have to replace that box and the meter base, Dad said he's gonna have him just put in breakers so I don't have to worry about fuses. So I have 4 perfectly fine 30amp time delay fuses that will never be needed for a freaking thing since the modern world runs on breakers. Maybe I'll use em for target practice :tong:

So until Thursday at least I'm sitting here with no running water, no toilet that flushes. Most of the water I get from my parents goes into the toilet tank so if I have to use it I can flush. I have a container with drinking water and I have plenty of soft drinks. Resigned myself to peanut butter sandwiches for a bit and eating hot food down at my parents. (Who doesn't miss mom's cooking?)

At least the weather has been great.

Sep 5, 2010, 2:33 PM
Pretend you're camping!

Sep 5, 2010, 3:33 PM
...sweet ducks, wish i could send you out a magic wand, wave it and make everything good; the camping bit sounds like the best plan, tho! :(

Sep 5, 2010, 11:04 PM
LOL It is a bit like camping just have a roof over my head. At least the pc works due to extension cords.

Sep 5, 2010, 11:35 PM
I had that happen here too DD, very weird and scary feeling when ONLY SOME circuits go out and none are really tripped. At least here in US they have two hots, one feeding each side of the two columns of circuits in the panel and one common neutral ground. It made more sense once an electrician explained it to me.

A it turns out over the years they had replaced all of the outside wire except for the actual meter base enclosure, that was rusted from water infiltration and one leg was slowly arc welding itself by making intermittent contact with the electrical supply.

Since it was still in the end of winter months i had no choice, needed fixed and relatively quickly so I hired electrician.

Sep 6, 2010, 7:34 AM
Yeah, it basically makes you feel like your house is possessed at times when they lights dim then just go. Odd thing, it suddenly started working in kitchen but it went out again fast. Hopefully the electrician will be able to get the electric company here to cut it off and wait til he gets install and then restart it. He said they do that and have 14 days to come inspect but if a non certified electrician did it the power had to stay off til they inspected. I just want my stuff to ALL work at this point. Let me tell ya guys you never miss something til you don't have it and not having a flushing toilet or running water sucks.

Sep 6, 2010, 2:38 PM
Aw Baby, I'm so sorry. Fire up the BBQ and at least throw some weenies or burgers or something on it. We had to do this when I was married when the hot water heater blew up. Didnt have any hot water from June until Aug when we could affored to buy a new hot water heart, and afford to fix the wall where it blew the wall out when it went. Being on the Mojave desert we didnt need alot of hot water in the dead of summer, and I cooked on the BBQ outside because the gas was turned off. It was fun. Showers were taken outside. We had an enclosed front porch with penny roses all over it, and it was the perfect hiding place when the hose was put up thru the trellis at early morning and late at night. It was great. :}
Hang in there Sweetie, it'll get fixed before ya knows it. :}

Sep 6, 2010, 3:40 PM
Thanks Cat, I'm just lucky my parents live so close. Dad came up to grab a bag of clothes to wash for me and brought me some pinto beans they had warmed up for me since I have no way to heat things. It was like being a kid again and I just ate em with saltine crackers. I'll pay later when I start belching but for now it was just good eats lol.