View Full Version : CHRISTIANS!!!! Support/Prayer Group

Apr 7, 2006, 5:08 AM
Well I have been thinking about this one for a while, and Peter H's discussion group made me think some more!!!!!!

Many of us on site have belief systems, from Wicca to Buddhist to Humanist to Christians!!!!!

As many of you know I am as proud to describe myself as a Christian as I am to say that I am a bisexual (or biamorous!!! lol!!!!)

But a lot of us have been hurt, very deeply, in the Christian community by other believers. There is a huge amount of mis-understanding and homophobia. And it is to this end that I felt a group of us meeting up, say once a month, could address. We could also follow a part of the Bible over the period for discussion and a sharing of thoughts. And maybe we could form a prayer group for members of the site and our circle of family and friends off-site.

I have been re-attending the church that I joined back in 1989. It has a new vicar, nice chap. We met for a one-to-one to get to know one another better and we agreed on everything barring ONE thing. My sexuality. He feels I need "healing". Now this is not an uncommon thing in the Anglican Communion. But I feel happy as I am and see no need of "healing". When I suggested that Christ was "tempted in everyway" this poor guy really struggled and suggested that "yes" He was..but is a general way with sex...certainly not any form of homosexuality!!! lol!!!! :) Well I don't know, although I tend to beg to differ!!!!!! rofl!!!! No surprise, eh, gang!!!!!

I used to attend All Souls, Langham Place, often know as the BBC Church (John Stott was still part of the teaching team at the time), we had many medics, lawyers, financiers, media workers and politcal shapers in our midst, all true followers of the Lord....it was a great place of teaching and for learning and I spent nine months living in a house of Discipleship. So I have a background in Modern Theology and practical Christian lving. I was brought up as a Baptist......adult baptism and all!!! They taught that one should never give a Bible tract to a starving man...unless it was wrapped around a sandwich!! lol!!! :)

So if anyone is interested...let's try and get it off the ground!!!!!

I'll leave you with this poem:-

R.S. Thomas (born 1913)

I praise you because
you are artist and scientist
in one. When I am somewhat
fearful of your power,
your ability to work miracles
with a set-square, I hear
you murmuring to yourself
in a notation Beethoven
dreamed of but never achieved.
You run off your scale of
rain water and sea water, play
the chords of the morning
and evening light, sculpture
with shadow, join together leaf
by leaf, when spring
comes, the stanzas of
an immense poem. You speak
all languages and none,
answering our most complex
prayers with the simplicity
of a flower, confronting
us, when we would domesticate you
to our use, with the rioting
viruses under our lens.

With love and peace to you and yours

Rupe :)

Apr 7, 2006, 6:02 AM
Personally, I am not interested in joining a church group, although I have nothing against those who would. Nothing at all. However, what this vicar has said to you... mmm.. ... it's kind of a bit of piffle. Does the vicar know how many fag vicars there are, or moreover does he know how many fag priests there are or, more accurately how many pedophile priests there are? While I would agree with his view that you may need "healing" it may be more for your soul, given what you have just been through, rather than your sexuality. On the contrary, a good lay might just make you feel a hell of a lot better, knowing that someone else wanted to share her or his body with you. Your vicar may be nice, but is he even aware that like Catholic priests he is free to "dictate" whatever he firmly believes within his own parish? And further, is he at all aware that many Anglicans here in Canada have disagreed with the idea that anything other than heterosexuality is wrong. Many in Canada are now marrying men and women to one another. This fellow may need to brush up a bit on his history, current affairs and politics!!!!

Apr 7, 2006, 7:04 AM
The Prayer of Protection from Unity Church

The light of God surrounds you
The love of God enfolds you
The power of God protects you
The presence of God watches over you
Wherever you are
God is!

Apr 7, 2006, 7:23 AM

not all Christians subscribe to the belief system your vicar represents.. i left my previous church because i could not be in communion with people who teach/accept that homosexuality is to be condemned, in other words..that we are not all equal in the eyes of God!..

if your church had a racist doctrine would you be so blase about accepting 'that is just how it is'...i think not.. yet even though you know/believe that God loves you as a whole, who you are now...... not who you may become if you keep your head down and comply... you seem to be minimising and in part colluding with this hateful and dangerous teaching.. i dont understand Ron.

there is a worldwide online community church which rejects this 'designer christian' stance and asks for people to stand up and be counted.

"Christ, when he was lifted up, did not say' i draw some people to myself' he said i draw all all all"

Archbishop Desmond Tutu


Ron.. please dont stand and take this condemnation.. who are they to cast the first stone?

love your friend Julie :female:

Driver 8
Apr 7, 2006, 9:26 AM
Rupert - I'd love to see this happen. Any suggestions for a relatively non-denominational study guide we could use as a basis for the Scriptual part?

As some of you might know, Rupert and I are members of different branches of the Anglican Communion - which, right now, is having real pains over how to handle GLBT issues. Speaking very, very generally, the African churches have been taking a hard anti-gay line, the North American churches have been much more progressive, and the British wing has been telling the North American wing to step off. (Perhaps I should say the "English" wing, as the Scottish church is supportive of the North American position; and, for that matter, so is the South African church.) (Okay, maybe that wasn't all that general.)

Apr 7, 2006, 9:36 AM
I disagree with some of this. By going to church and basically saying, accept me as i am, Rupert is standing up for himself even better than by just not attending. He isn't agreeing with the vicar and saying, "You're right, I'm wrong, heal me." It is unlikely the church would grow anymore tolerant if he didn't attend. I think that only by putting a face to the issue can he(hopefully) show these people that the lifestyle is not wrong. Could you think of a better advocate than Rupert? :bigrin: I hope the benefits of the support he can get at church will outweigh any negative idiots that way come his way.

Please don't think I'm picking on anyone, I'm just offering an alternate view.

Count me in Rupert.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 8, 2006, 12:04 AM
I do apologize profoundly to any christians and any christian related groups that have read my remarks in a earlier thread, that pointed the finger at christians and their attitudes

I grew up in a open home, and I was once a christian, now practising wicca and happy with it
christianity never hurt me or offended me, its the people hiding behind their christian beliefs that do that... its a bit like the ku klux klan uniform never hurt anybody, its the a##hole wearing it that does the damage

over the years I have watched christians attack me, my beliefs, my sexuality etc based on what they beleive and I have watched my mother preach about gods love, and love thy nieghbour... and then exile my sister from the family home for becoming a lesbian after she contracted hiv....my mother has been married twice, divorced twice, and currently living with my step father outside of marraige ( they got divorced and he remarried his 3rd wife and divorced her and went back to my mother )

christianity never made my mother do that, and nor did christianity make people attack other beliefs, etc etc etc.... its the person that uses their christian beliefs as a right to attack others, that does that and the same goes for any religion or faith or non belief

so again, I do apologize to any christian that feels I am attacking them, their faith, or the christianity movement.... I'm definately not... my issues are with the persons own actions

Mrs. Taz
Apr 8, 2006, 12:47 AM
I think its a VERY good idea ruper. :) I am so glad you thought of it.

hugs n kisses,


Apr 8, 2006, 1:46 AM
I do apologize profoundly to any christians and any christian related groups that have read my remarks in a earlier thread, that pointed the finger at christians and their attitudes

I grew up in a open home, and I was once a christian, now practising wicca and happy with it
christianity never hurt me or offended me, its the people hiding behind their christian beliefs that do that... its a bit like the ku klux klan uniform never hurt anybody, its the a##hole wearing it that does the damage

over the years I have watched christians attack me, my beliefs, my sexuality etc based on what they beleive and I have watched my mother preach about gods love, and love thy nieghbour... and then exile my sister from the family home for becoming a lesbian after she contracted hiv....my mother has been married twice, divorced twice, and currently living with my step father outside of marraige ( they got divorced and he remarried his 3rd wife and divorced her and went back to my mother )

christianity never made my mother do that, and nor did christianity make people attack other beliefs, etc etc etc.... its the person that uses their christian beliefs as a right to attack others, that does that and the same goes for any religion or faith or non belief

so again, I do apologize to any christian that feels I am attacking them, their faith, or the christianity movement.... I'm definately not... my issues are with the persons own actions

spoken from the heart long... thanks xxx julie :female:

Apr 8, 2006, 3:59 AM
Rupert - I'm glad you find such strength in your faith but it bothers me that you are hanging around a church where "healing" is regarded as desirable for any variant sexuality.

You really need to be fed in every way and in London we're blessed with so many good Anglican churches. For a personal recommendation I couldn't be enthusiastic for anywhere more than Southwark cathedral - main Eucharist 11am.

Good luck wherever you end up.


Apr 8, 2006, 4:11 AM
bravo to you, rupe, for being open and honest with the new vicar and even trying to challenge him. i also think it is also extremely courageous of you to continue going to the church -- it says that "i am bisexual and i am a christian."

although it's not my "cup of tea," i think it's a great idea that you're starting up a group for others. maybe you should clarify if it's going to be a chatroom thing or an in-person thing. and are you talking about a christian-oriented one, or a non-denominational one?

mimi :flag1:

Driver 8
Apr 8, 2006, 8:13 AM
and are you talking about a christian-oriented one, or a non-denominational one?
"Non-denominational" = "covering multiple denominations within a single faith" (i.e., not specifically Anglican, Roman Catholic, Baptist, etc.)

I think the word you're thinking of is "interfaith."

Apr 8, 2006, 1:50 PM
"Non-denominational" = "covering multiple denominations within a single faith" (i.e., not specifically Anglican, Roman Catholic, Baptist, etc.)

I think the word you're thinking of is "interfaith."

thanks for the correction. as you can see, religion is not my forte. :tongue:

mimi :flag1:

Apr 8, 2006, 2:59 PM
(((((((((((mimi!!!!!)))))))) lol!!!! An inter-faith or comparative relgion group could be an option for some one to set up...I'd join. I was a Hindu for many years.....had a Guru...even lived in an ashram!! lol!!!!!

OK so here we go:

1) How about a private room on Saturday 15th April at 6pm UK time which is kinda mid-day to 1pm USA time?????? Details would follow later this coming week if folk are interested......you can always PM me on this one.

2) For now how about a general prayer for all who have been hurt or suffered at the hands of The Church.....either priests/leadership or other church members??

3) As we are entering Holy Week how about these for the Bible readings we could all be following:
Matthew Chapters 24 to 28 (and for the very busy among us just chapter 27)
AND John Chapters 13-21 (and, again, for the busy chapters 17-20).
I use the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible....be useful to know what others use.

And I LOVE my church that I attend......not let a silly little thing like my sexuality needing a spurious healing stop me!!

Heaps of love folks

Rupe :)

Long Duck Dong
Apr 9, 2006, 1:34 AM
apart from the fact the time for me would be about 5-6 am lol .....

is it gonna be a interfaith inter belief group or a interfaith christian group....I mean are any type of prayers acceptable, or is it christian prayers

I am interested in a open belief prayer group that can be any belief any type of prayer ( i have to admit I am curious to see other forms of faith and prayer in action )

and its also a lil hard for me to sit in with a group, saying prayers to a god I don't acknowledge...but I would love to see a open belief group in bi chat rather than different splinter groups based on each religion and belief..... each group brins with it a view of the greater world and personally I tend to beleive that its not the words of the prayer, but the intention behind it, that does the most good

Driver 8
Apr 9, 2006, 10:07 AM
but I would love to see a open belief group in bi chat rather than different splinter groups based on each religion and belief.....
I think that there's a need in the world for both interfaith and single-faith groups.

There are comparative language classes in college - but if you want to learn Spanish or German or Hindi, you go to a class thas focusses on just that language, or you'll never learn it. Similarly, for the study and discussion portion, at least, I think it's worth having different groups for different religions.

Although I'd like to see a group that's open to anyone interested in Christian material - whether or not they currently identify as Christian - I do think it's valuable not to try to do everything at once.

andy bi married
Apr 9, 2006, 12:16 PM
i think the idea of a prayer group is an excellent one....many bi married people suffer from bi and homo phobia and not married too...all the spiritual help that can be given needs to be done so...i agree we all need healing not from our sexual orientation though ... from bigotted narrow minded and prejudiced people,, sadly both religious and non religious can be alike in this area...what we need is a fresh look at the guy who taught personal liberation and freedom with responsibility and love ...Jesus that is..as a committed Christian I find Him someone I can beleive in and follow despite myself......and sometimes the church...
So prayer an attempt to gwet closer to the source of love as I see it is vital

Andy in a rare moment!!!of soul baring

Apr 9, 2006, 1:01 PM
Hello all!

I am new to this forum and am very pleased to see this thread regarding religion! I was raised in an ultra religious background that definately does not understand or condone the feelings I have had all my life! I would be VERY interested in being a regular participant in the afore-mentioned chat group! The 15th I have plans that will not allow me to attend the first session but I will be at others with "bells on."

I will leave you with a poem that I think may well apply in this discussion.....


If GOD made all peoples and GOD does not make mistakes,
Then Peace on Earth is attainable and Love is all it takes.

In this day and age when troubles abound
The Peace we all seek has already been found.

All we need do –it is quite simple, you see,
Is reflect the same Love GOD gives us so freely.

GOD’s Love never fails us it is perfect and pure
It has proven to be hate’s only cure.

Hate cannot survive when surrounded by Love
Especially when it is supplied from above.

So, I’ll proclaim to the world until my last breath I do take,
That Peace on Earth is attainable and Love is all it takes.

I wrote this and it has been published in a book of poetry......hope it was enjoyable and pertinent to the discussion!


Long Duck Dong
Apr 9, 2006, 11:37 PM
Similarly, for the study and discussion portion, at least, I think it's worth having different groups for different religions.

Although I'd like to see a group that's open to anyone interested in Christian material - whether or not they currently identify as Christian - I do think it's valuable not to try to do everything at once.

sorry about that, I didn't make my own point clear lol... thats my fault lol

I should have said that we may not have enuf members of each faith and belief to enable splinter groups... and I would like to see a pro active inter faith group in bi chat....

simply whats better... 8-9 splinter groups of 1-2 people each or a inter faith group of 10-12 people, as a prayer group, support group etc. that is non udgemental, non biased, and displaying tolerance and acceptance of ANY faith......and showing that bi chat is definately a family unit

and sure, throw in a christian group as well, that is christian based.... lol for christians as there does appear to be enuf christians to create such a group
and I would most likely go to that too... and i would like to better understand the bible, and what better place than bi chat, where we are all intelligent, openminded adults without bias

Driver 8
Apr 10, 2006, 8:54 AM
simply whats better... 8-9 splinter groups of 1-2 people each or a inter faith group of 10-12 people
Why is more better, as long as everyone's finding something they want? It seems to me that people can start as many groups as they want, and all of them that generate enough interest will keep going.

Apr 10, 2006, 11:31 AM
OK.......well I have no problem with any one, whatever their belief or of no belief, joining in the private chat room. But I must stress it's focus is ONLY of Christian theology and practices.

I have decided against a pass-word......easier for anyone to just "pop-in" and see what "the Christians" are up to. And if people become offensive..well they will "get the boot"!!!!!!! lol!!!!!!! See how tolerant I am!!!!!!! rofl!!!!!!

I'm sorry the timing is a bit off for many folk..but as I am reduced to using a public internet connection I have to fit in with their opening hours!!! lol!!!

And Long Dong......it would be GREAT if some-one else WOULD start another comparative religion/inter-faith group.....I'd certainly join in!!!

I'll confirm on Good Friday the exact time......I think the private room will just be called "chapel".......that shouldn't upset any of the many denominations of the Christain Faith (I think/hope!!! lol!!)

Hope folk are coping with the Bible readings.....there is a whole week to do them in!! lol!!

Love and Peace

Rupe :)

Driver 8
Apr 10, 2006, 12:28 PM
Though I'm already thinking how amusing it will be for the chapel to be full of people with names like bidude4shemales and cybermenow.

It reminds me of the joke: "If God's works seem inconsistent, you must remember that He is playing to the broadest possible audience."

Mrs. Taz
Apr 10, 2006, 10:01 PM
I have not really any time for reading, but is it ok for me to come visit the room anyway?

Apr 11, 2006, 9:21 AM
Driver 8:- rofl!!!!!!!!!!! It's cool ain't it!!!!!!!!!

And Kitten......err.....yeah!!!!!!!!!

They were only suggestions..........who knows what will happen in the chat!!!!! After Driver's comment I kinda guess..........anything!!!!!!!! lol!!!

I just hope I can make it myself.....it's all looking a little pear-shaped for me at the moment!!!!!!!!! The plans of mice and men, eh???????

Love and Peace to all

Rupe :)

Apr 11, 2006, 10:44 PM
Rupert & others,

I think you've come up with a great idea. Like a few others on this thread, I'm also a Biblical scholar and can help if anyone needs assistance with the scriptures. I'm not checking this website almost at all anymore, because I'm trying to focus on some research projects, but if anyone has any questions, especially concerning the scriptures in their original languages, feel free to email me. I've gotten good at the passages that deal with sexuality and homophobia, since I've gone head to head with some serious right wing nutjobs on radio talk shows in recent months. You just send a message through bisexual.com using the email, not the private message option.


Mrs. Taz
Apr 12, 2006, 12:06 AM
thanks Ruper, love ya sweetie. :)

Apr 12, 2006, 8:13 AM
Dear all:

As I suspected I am unable to be on site on Saturday for the first attempt at meeting up!!!!!! lol!!!!!! Such is life...........it's shit and then you die.

Thanks Johhny V for your intersting reply.


Driver 8
Apr 18, 2006, 5:20 PM
For the next meeting, may I suggest Saturday April 29th, at 6pm UK time? Exactly two weeks from the last one?

And, for the reading, I would suggest:

Acts 3
Psalm 4
1 John 3
Luke 24

I'm open to suggestions, but those happen to be the readings in the Lectionary for the week beginning the 30th.

Here's a link to the texts and some commentaries (http://www.textweek.com/yearb/easterb3.htm) (from an Anglican point of view; by all means feel free to post the viewpoint from other denominations.)

Apr 18, 2006, 7:01 PM
I really wanted to say one thing:

As much as you might LIKE the church/temple/synagogue that you attend, you may be willing to "forgive" one or two little issues, such as which way the door opens, the colour of the hymn books, or the fact that they collect the money before the sermon instead of afterwards, the fact that the church AND the vicar/priest/minister/rabbi/faith leader has actively stated that you need to be HEALED because of your sexuality is NOT something that will ever go away.

The Roman Catholic Church has turned a blind eye to homesexuality in its ranks, yet has outwardly stated that it's a sin. Other denominations in the Christian faith continue to see it as a sin. While that is in the background, you can never be truly at peace with God in a church that will not provide you with sanctuary when you need it.

A church cannot be everything to everybody, but something as MAJOR as sexuality is something you need to shop around for.

There are a number of more "liberal" Christian demoninations around ... in Canada, the United Church ordains homsexuals, and many of their churches perform gay marriages.

The Hard line from the Archbishop of Canterbury (Anglican/Episcopal) is truly anti-gay. It's now coming to a big boil, and no gay/bi can be comfortable in that situation. We already know the feelings of the Roman Catholics.

Find a "liberal" Christian group that has the ideas you like, the service you like, and a minister who treats all of their flock like humans.

Otherwise, you are spiritually doing yourself a disservice.