View Full Version : Ultra thin condoms

Sep 2, 2010, 7:47 AM
Did you make experience with an ultra thin condom?
Does everything feel better for you with them ?

Sep 3, 2010, 1:35 AM
For me, sex with an ultra-thin condom is not the same as sex without any condom, although it may feel better than with a regular condom.

However, safe sex with a condom is much better than catching a disease from unsafe sex. So if I were to have sex with a stranger (which Mrs. Coyote would have my hide for), I'd definitely put a sock on it, so to speak.

Sep 3, 2010, 7:26 PM
Hard to decide. especially for a virgin like me.

Sep 4, 2010, 12:13 AM
I personally like them. You can feel the warmth of a nice hard cock better, and there isnt so much irritation for me. Just my humble 2 coppers . :} And I agree with yotie 100% ANY condom is bette4r than none at all, unless this is your significant other..:}

Sep 4, 2010, 7:34 AM

Sep 7, 2010, 2:00 AM
vaginal sex feels better without condom than anal sex for sure but anal sex's also fun as long as u practice safe sex. i only had unprotected sex with exwife and exbf and vaginal without condom makes me cum faster :P

Sep 7, 2010, 2:12 AM
I could never use them for some reason... It just seems to take away from the experience... Even if they are ultra thin... Granted I haven't had my first true same-sex experience yet, but I'm sure that I'll be protecting myself... I just hope I don't hold true to my form and lose it using one of them like I used to...

Sep 8, 2010, 6:20 PM
What the fuck!

Sep 9, 2010, 4:20 PM
I am uncut and the head is supersensative. A condom, any condom, makes a differance. I do not like sex with a concom, so with the wife and girlfriend I never use one. But with all other men and women I use a condom. The excitement of being with someone differant makes up for the lack of feeling.

Sep 10, 2010, 1:33 AM
Yay a topic I can respond too. okay for me condoms are mutually benificial with both anal and pussy. Why? Well...

1. the bf shoots waaaay to early if we dont use one. I'm just too hot.;)

2. helps me be less paranoid about getting pregnant while on birth control...WHICH DOES HAPPEN PEOPLE!!! 1 in every 100 women gets pregnant while on birth control, hense the 99% effective. While that may be small I dont wanna be that 1 woman.

3. Easy clean up. there's no soggy towels, no "wet spot", and no dribbling cum down your leg as you run to the bathroom.

4. sanitary reasons. I may be the only person on this site who thinks anal sex without a condom is a little squik worthy. For god sakes your putting your cock in a place with a lot of bacteria, I dont care how clean you think you can get it, there's still bacteria and feces. Don't get me wrong I love the idea of anal and I dont mean to offend. And yes I know guys don't usually get UTI's because of the length of the male urinary track, but still even if you don't get a UTI, you still have your cock covered in nastiness. So...yeah...:eek2::eek::yikes2:

5. Fun. you can get studded and rubbed, and flavored and ulta-thin, and even ones like membrain condoms which I've heard are better that ulta-thin. But I warn you that membrain condoms stop pregnancy but not STD's. So you can mix and match ect. Fun stuff condoms. Not to memtion built in lube usually.

6. Lastly and most obviously... protection from STD's. And trust me there are some really nasty ones out there people. Just go to google pictures and type in Genital Herpies/warts, crabs, gonoria, ect. and you'll think twice about not using condoms, lemme tell ya. Not to mention Syphilious(sp?) which if gone unchecked can go to your brain and make it like swiss cheese.

there ya go there's my:2cents: