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  1. #1

    How old were you??????

    Hello everyone!!!!

    I had my first f/f sexual experience only a few months ago at the age of 34. It was the best thing thats ever happened to me.

    I was wondering at what age did you have your first f/f or m/m sexual experience.

  2. #2

    Re: How old were you??????

    I was 11 and it was M-M and haven`t stopped since yet I got married and am bi.

  3. #3

    Re: How old were you??????

    Like you, I was a 'late bloomer'. I was 38 the first time I was with another woman.
    If homosexuality is a disease, let's all call in queer to work: "Hello. Can't work today, still queer." ~Robin Tyler

  4. #4
    Unofficial Community Leader

    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: How old were you??????

    10 and playing "house" with a girl who was 13 but she did most of the work lol We kept it going till I was about 13. It was an "once in awhile" thing tho and didn't really mean anything now that I think about it. We just liked the way we felt lol

    I am looking forward to the day I can have a REAL f/f and more meanful lovemaking experiences.


  5. #5

    Re: How old were you??????

    I have had close calls and missed opportunities but so far nothing. I don't know if this is a bad thing or a good thing and I spend allot of time wishing I had said yes instead of no.

  6. #6

    Re: How old were you??????

    I was really young and I've been told that it doesn't count.

  7. #7

    How old were you??????

    I was about 7 or 8 and like Tasha, it was basically "lets play husband and wife" and went from there. We skipped the house playing bit and went straight to bed. She was older and took the lead because she wanted to be the husband. It may not count when it's that young but it sure does stir up emotions and feelings just the same.

    Life is a strange thing...
    Just when you think you've learned how to use it, it's gone.....

  8. #8

    Re: How old were you??????

    Quote Originally Posted by Wayne12345
    I was 11 and it was M-M and haven`t stopped since yet I got married and am bi.
    At that age how did you come into that situation? I mean when I was 11 I wasnt even pondering sex.

  9. #9

    Re: How old were you??????

    I was 9 when I first had sexual thoughts and feelings towards other guys but it wasn't until I was 13 on a sleep over that I jo'd with another guy. I've had many times since then that I've been sexually aroused by other guys but it wasn't until I was 46 that I acted on it. Now I wish I haven't waited so long. I guess you have to go through a certain amount of life experiences to know what you really like.
    BiBoz49 Live in the moment

  10. #10

    Re: How old were you??????

    I was 15 when I had my first f/f. She was sleeping over the night they revealed who shot JR on Dallas. It was just kissing and a little touching so I'm still technically a Bi virgin.

    I'm still not exactly sure what happened between then and 20 months ago to cause me to be in denial.
    Never be bullied into silence;
    Never let yourself be made a victim;
    Accept no one's definition of your life;
    Define yourself.

  11. #11

    Re: How old were you??????

    I'm 21 years old now. Out to myself as bi for just less than a year.
    No f/f experience to date, whatsoever.
    "It's not that I mind being queer... because I don't. I just wish other people weren't so put off by it."
    - from Kinsey

  12. #12

    Re: How old were you??????

    First time with a woman, first week of college....

    First time with a man, second week of college....
    "Elvis didn't do no drugs!" ~Penn

  13. #13

    Re: How old were you??????

    very young. ashamed since I think I was too young. I shoulds waited till I was more mature. I doesn't matter what you are you should wait till your old enough but I didn't, although thats what my mum says and personally in thelong run I regret nothing.

  14. #14

    Re: How old were you??????

    I had just turned 17 and i started to go out with a group i hadnt really hung with before. The girl who always picked us up in her huge Bronco was quiet but strong , along for the ride but wouldnt do anything she didnt want to. She was very interesting to me, first purely a friendly my knowlege at least. We began Hanging out alone and i realized that i wanted to know her deeper than anyone before. The first time I kissed her i nearly cried. We were together a month before we did much more, but when we did no words can describe the levels of which i found myself while discovering her.

  15. #15

    Re: How old were you??????

    I wish I'd of had that. That was how I pistured me first time. you are so lucky. Wish I had waited and found someone that intoxicating.

  16. #16

    Re: How old were you??????

    my first couple of encounters were more about something being intoxicating rather than someone. Ah, youth.

    I just realized that I haven't had sex drunk since I was 21....and a tear slowly rolls down my cheek.
    "Elvis didn't do no drugs!" ~Penn

  17. #17

    Re: How old were you??????

    Quote Originally Posted by DiamondDog
    I was really young and I've been told that it doesn't count.

    LOL - so was I, and have heard the same nonsense about it "not counting"
    I believe that all mammals are inherently bisexual to one degree or another. Many of the greatest learned cultures in history accepted it. So... When did it suddenly become so wrong?

  18. #18

    Re: How old were you??????

    I was 20 and told myself it didn't count, by the same logic as our ex president. So far haven't had the opportunity to any thing else, but am looking forward to exploring the whole gambit ; )
    "The problem with designing something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of a complete fool. " — Douglas Adams

  19. #19

    Re: How old were you??????

    I was 21. Already married. With a kid. It lasted two months, but didn't work out. Haven't found anyone to replace her in this bi-sparse area, but not for lack of trying. Afterwards I wished I hadn't waited so long. But then, I probably wouldn't have if I had been given the opportunity. I should move somewhere that isn't so overwhelmingly Republican and homophobic....

  20. #20

    Re: How old were you??????

    First time with a guy - 15

    First time with a chick - 22

    The guy was well thought out and planned. The chick was a very close friend and things just sort of happened.

    The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by perfect men. ~ George Elliot

  21. #21

    Re: How old were you??????

    OK, I'm claiming the title for latest bloomer. My first m/m sex was at age 59. First m/f sex was at 19. But as they say today, "It's all good".
    Why must it be "either/or", why can't it be "and"? Love needs to be inclusive, not exclusive.

  22. #22

    Re: How old were you??????

    First time with a guy was age 17 and with a girl was around the same time, have loved it ever since.

    I have to qualify those experiences as the first time I had an orgasm with another person.
    Be Good........if you cant be good, be careful............if you cant be careful............DONT GET CAUGHT.

  23. #23

    Re: How old were you??????

    My first time with a guy was when I was 12. He was 13 and my best friend at the time. We figured that it was okay to play around and it wouldn't make us gay because we both fantasized about girls and liked looking at Playboys (when we could get our hands on them)....

    Looking back now, I keep thinking what kind of idiot I was!

    Oh, well....

    Love of one's country is a beautiful thing. But why should love stop at the border?
    - Pablo Casals

  24. #24

    Re: How old were you??????

    With a Man 6 years old (consensual) as far as I can remember.
    With a Girl 15 years old

  25. #25

    Re: How old were you??????

    first time with a girl was about 10 months back at 21

    first time with a guy possibly in a couple of weeks

  26. #26

    Re: How old were you??????

    Well, 68, I think....if it happens within the next 7 months. Otherwise, 69....maybe that's more appropriate? Anyway, one of these days, if I can find a compatible partner in this sparsely populated area....

  27. #27

    Re: How old were you??????

    With a male i was 9(oral),with a female i was 11.

  28. #28

    Re: How old were you??????

    Quote Originally Posted by arana
    I was about 7 or 8 and like Tasha, it was basically "lets play husband and wife" and went from there. We skipped the house playing bit and went straight to bed. She was older and took the lead because she wanted to be the husband. It may not count when it's that young but it sure does stir up emotions and feelings just the same.
    AGREE.. same here!

  29. #29

    Re: How old were you??????

    I was about 12 and I've always known that I enjoy that connection with another guy,
    undefined"For in the dew of little things, the heart finds its morning and is refreshed."

  30. #30

    Re: How old were you??????

    My firest sexual experince with anyone was a male friend at the age of 11-12. I didnt know it at the time but looking back I belive that we had a relationship and didnt even know it. we hung out together, stayed the night at each others houses, had wonderful sex, enjoyed each others views and ideals, and were happy. my first time with a girl was about a year later, and it was wonderful. I knew that I was bi, but I didnt admit it to myself until I was much older. Now I am happly married and out and enjoying being who I am.
    and personaly "that dosent count because of age" is b* llsh*t. Sex is sex regardless of age. pre-teen and teen foolings are just as valid as the sex we have in commited relationships or one night stands as adults, they are all experinces that shape us.
    "A poor fool indeed is he who adopts a method of thinking for others." -The Marquis De Sade-




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