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  1. #31

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?


  2. #32

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?

    I am what you might call a tea party conservative, but tonight I sucked one man off , and let another man suck me . I guess it doesn't matter what your politics are.

  3. #33

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?

    Absolutely. I am both bisexual and conservative.

  4. #34

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?

    No matter where you live or what you believe, a compatible sense of humor is VERY important.
    But I do not like hypocrite.
    First,God created man, then woman, then temptation,then confusion

  5. #35

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?

    To OP: Yes. Sexuality and political views / life styles are not mutually exclusive.

  6. #36

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?

    I am a closeted bi man who keeps his delicious, exciting secret from family and straight friends, but loves to discuss all manner of sexual subjects (and have sex) with other bisexual or bi-friendly men and women. I don't advertise my bisexuality to the world, just as I don't shout out my religious, political, and social views from a rooftop or soapbox. I am very steadfast in my conservative, Christian beliefs. I prefer friendly debate to arguing with others as to who is right or wrong. I don't preach to others or foist my opinions, but I am very outspoken and will not sit still and remain quiet when my value system, beliefs or opinions are attacked by liberal nazis. I will always be polite and not lose my temper when I speak, but I will NEVER bow to political correctness or be made to feel guilty or apologetic for standing up for what I believe.

  7. #37

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?

    The term "liberal Nazi" is an oxymoron.
    Liberals tend toward social permissiveness,(acceptance of your bisexuality/gay-ness/ whatever sexual flavor you may be), they tend to lean toward the left on social issues. Conservatism leans toward the right, extreme right wing politics is the view where Nazi-ism comes from, it is the opposite of liberal. Nazi-ism is an extremist position taken from the ultra-right wing and is a fundamentalist point of view. This was the root of why Nazi-ism and Socialist Soviet Russia were at odds in WWII. Nazi-ism is the extreme right, where Socialism is the extreme left. Either extremist point of view curbs the right of the individual to exercise his liberty. In my estimation, neither social experiment is desirable or works as they are both ultra-nationalist in nature.

    I'm not criticizing you or your views, you're entitled to them without question. No liberal really wants to force their views down your throat, what they want is for logic to take hold and you to come to your own conclusion that we are all equal and equally entitled to justice and opportunity. If we are all equal, race, gender identity, and sexual preference are dead issues and cease to be debatable. It is unfortunate that the world doesn't quite work like that though. The dissent among conservatives from liberals is that conservatives look with nostalgia toward the past and want maintains the status quo as they perceive it, liberals want change, and look toward the future, they are progressive in nature.
    I would suggest looking at under synonyms for a better understanding, it was quite enlightening to me.

  8. #38

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?

    The simple answer here is yes. I know a guy who makes Dick Cheney look like a flaming liberal but loves sucking cock and being fucked.

  9. #39

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?

    Thanks for the history lesson and the political science 101 lecture. "Nazi" was the nickname for "National Socialist Party". They were fascists as were the Communists. They used violent tactics to consolidate their power. The fascists here use the same tactics too, but in a subtle, non-violent way. Tell big lies often enough and the ciizens will believe them. Use political correctness to silence opposition and truth. Sneakily erode patriotism, religious and moral fiber and basic God given and constitutional rights for the many in favor of the objections of a few. I could go on and on. They are the American brand of National Socialists and are elitist fascists as well. Change, as brought about by such people as Gandhi, Dr. King, Sister Teresa is noble and good. Melding their peaceful methods with fascist agendas to force changes which make our government our oligarchical god is as perverted as anything the Nazi/Communist fascists ever foisted and forced on their people.

    Right wing-Left wing labels aside, one's sexual orientation and views are not aligned with and have nothing to do with one's political persuasion. Sexually, rather than politically speaking, conservatives, liberals and middle-of-the-roaders can all be very libertarian & libertine in their sexual orientations, beliefs and activities. People of all political persuasions can also be prudes, homophobes and asexuals.

  10. #40

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?

    Excellent point

  11. #41

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?

    Quote Originally Posted by 2bi2Bboring View Post
    If we are all equal, race, gender identity, and sexual preference are dead issues and cease to be debatable.
    I would highly agree but add the notion of scarcity becomes dead as well. If we are equal then, we all have equal right to access to whatever object is desired or needed. And if the notion of scarcity is a dead argument, money is also dead because it ceases to serve any function. But this is only a different view one can accept or reject based on their experience, perceptions.

    Addressing the original subject matter. Me and wife are very traditional. I grew up visiting grandparents a lot. This was needed because of issues regarding my stepfather. He disliked taking me on family vacations, I would spend two weeks of a Summer with grandma & pap.

    They grew during an older time and through the Depression. They showed lessons of living from living them. In many ways me and wife are copies of grandma & pap. We keep ourselves a loving and working marriage. This means we know the path is not always clear nor does the sun always bless our steps, but hold sure on our way. This is love.

  12. #42

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?

    Are you kidding? Have you seen Magen Kelly on Fox news? Mmmm love to have her and my wife hook up!

  13. #43

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?

    ​Great replies. Loving it. Loving it.

  14. #44

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?

    Yes, I'm bisexual....have been for most of my life. I am also a gentleman, a veteran, a lover, and a contributor to some charities of my choosing. I also gripe about outrageous taxes, printing money with no value backing it up, and a government I don't trust. I try to vote my conscience, for those who should improve the quality of life and the security for this country. Haven't been very successful, lately, but I'm still voting.

    Oh yes, I'm conservative.....if that means being responsible for my own actions, serving my country when called, opening the door for ladies, or giving short people a hand with stuff on shelves too high for them. I can't understand why those who are in love, no matter their gender, can't marry, if they choose to!

    I'm proud to say I sent myself through college, then kept trying different things, until I found the job I wanted.....then earned my living the old fashioned way....I worked for it! I live within my means and if I don't have the money, I don't buy things I know I can't pay for.

    I don't like people who hit, abuse, rape, and murder. No one should abuse women, or children, sell drugs to children, or anyone, for that matter. But I respect people who are a credit to themselves, their families, country, and race.

    And, I don't want to share my pay with any lazy, dope-using parasite, who's never worked a day in his life and has 15 kids with 10 different women! Just as I don't think a woman with 10 kids by 10 different men deserve to e supported by the government! My heart bleeds for little kids who have parents, like that, too. They are the future of this country and how do you think they'll survive?

    I think it's reasonable to make anyone take a drug test before getting social assistance, or welfare payments! I think any political figure, police officer, citizen, or soldier, should be put in jail, for violating the Constitution. Political figures should not enact laws that they do not have to submit to, themselves! They do not deserve pensions for life, for serving one term, either!

    I also feel anyone, who is unquestionably guilty and gets himself incarcerated, should have to work for what he gets, even in jail.

    Contrary to the way I was raised, I think there's good and bad people of all races and colors. I don't care who you are, you should expect to be treated with respect, as long as you are respectful. Respect is earned, not a right!

    Oh, there's more, but you've got an idea about where I stand, now! My rant's over!

  15. #45

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?

    i not understand your emphasize with atheist. Technically i am also, but not a big deal to me. As for other comments, i agree race is important if u plan to pro-create. Other than that, it no big deal dear. i have dated all types. Race or sex not an issue. Just my opinion, of course.

  16. #46

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?

    Quote Originally Posted by Alex2200 View Post
    i not understand your emphasize with atheist. Technically i am also, but not a big deal to me. As for other comments, i agree race is important if u plan to pro-create. Other than that, it no big deal dear. i have dated all types. Race or sex not an issue. Just my opinion, of course.

    Well, most I dont think have a big deal with race or sex, but publicly they have to look good, ya know how it is.

  17. #47

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?

    I have a gay male friend and he thinks that people who are LGBT but politically conservative are hypocrites, or are in denial about how the right wing parties in the United States and around the world are against LGBT rights for LGBT people.

  18. #48

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?

    Yes, I know that I am

  19. #49

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?

    You're trying to have some way of hanging on to all your separate opinions about different subjects when they clash. You think about one thing, make up your mind about it, then move on to the next thing, make up your mind about that. Then you notice the way your opinions contradict one another. This happens when your opinions are based on matching to the reaction you expect to get from people socially. In each subject you take the position that gets you in the safe zone for that specific subject. You win that battle. You're on the right side. You can defend your position and win. But overall you have no basic concept that comprehensively aligns all of your separate opinions into a coordinated campaign of purposeful identity.

    Unless you develop yourself an overall model of life that allows for contradictory opinions to be local perspectives, or one so abstract that none of this matters, you might have to abandon belief systems in favor of knowledge and reason, or, even better, artistic expression. You sound like someone half way up out of a hole asking why you're not still down at the bottom or up out of it yet. I detect some effort is underway that if you don't keep at it until you get it done, it will not get done. Nobody can answer your questions with anything but something else for you to think about until you do come up with your own answers. Such is thinking for yourself. When you get good at thinking for yourself, try thinking for others as if they were thinking for you.

    Prejudice, opinions, should, shouldn't, ... as if there was a list somewhere of the right answers, and your job was to memorize the right answers, so anything you said would be the right thing to say. If everyone had that same list and all agreed, it might work to do it that way. But people have their own ideas and because the ideas serve different purposes, there is disagreement and conflict. What is right for one person is not right for someone else, nor should it be, nor could it be. This is where it depends on who you're talking to. Maybe it is more important to understand the nature of differences than it is to try for one universal version of what is right for everyone. Sexuality is an obvious candidate when you need a subject to talk about differences. Any subject that can be relied on to keep coming back up makes a good arena in which to battle the forces of hypocrisy, trying to finally get it right, until you lose interest in that fight, seeing it for what it is.

    The appeal of conservatism that you seem to like is clarity of rules based on an absolute authority. Keep things in their places. Don't blur the lines. It's either right, or wrong. Black, or white. If only things are sorted and kept in their proper order, all goes well. This reflects an aversion to confusion. The problem is, to be a conservative you are limited to how things should be kept the same. Unless things already are the way you want them to stay, some progress is called for, so you switch from conservative to progressive. Now what? I think you'll find that being either conservative or liberal for its own sake is not practical outside of political campaigns. It's like always turning either left or right at every turn no matter that there is some destination you are trying to go in circles, and never get there.

    In any case, whatever we actually do will happen in a specific encounter or relationship that, when it happens, is only slightly influenced by whatever opinions we may have about topics of conversation. There is you, and that other person you are with. Do you want the relationship to support your opinions of how a relationship should go, or do you want your opinions to support a relationship you actually have?

  20. #50

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?

    yes yes yes - to be bisexual can be fun but to be liberal is just stupid.

    I like kinky sex on tv but I don't want it on tv before 10:00 pm unless it is pay tv.

  21. #51

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?

    Nazi-ism is an extremist position taken from the ultra-right wing ---- this is not correct.

    most conservatives are strong on military and want a small federal government like our founding fathers set-up.

    Quote Originally Posted by 2bi2Bboring View Post
    The term "liberal Nazi" is an oxymoron.
    Liberals tend toward social permissiveness,(acceptance of your bisexuality/gay-ness/ whatever sexual flavor you may be), they tend to lean toward the left on social issues. Conservatism leans toward the right, extreme right wing politics is the view where Nazi-ism comes from, it is the opposite of liberal. Nazi-ism is an extremist position taken from the ultra-right wing and is a fundamentalist point of view. This was the root of why Nazi-ism and Socialist Soviet Russia were at odds in WWII. Nazi-ism is the extreme right, where Socialism is the extreme left. Either extremist point of view curbs the right of the individual to exercise his liberty. In my estimation, neither social experiment is desirable or works as they are both ultra-nationalist in nature.

    I'm not criticizing you or your views, you're entitled to them without question. No liberal really wants to force their views down your throat, what they want is for logic to take hold and you to come to your own conclusion that we are all equal and equally entitled to justice and opportunity. If we are all equal, race, gender identity, and sexual preference are dead issues and cease to be debatable. It is unfortunate that the world doesn't quite work like that though. The dissent among conservatives from liberals is that conservatives look with nostalgia toward the past and want maintains the status quo as they perceive it, liberals want change, and look toward the future, they are progressive in nature.
    I would suggest looking at under synonyms for a better understanding, it was quite enlightening to me.

  22. #52

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?

    Yes. I am definately a fiscal conservative and support many conservative philosophies. I just love to have fun going both ways.

  23. #53

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?


    When I first read this thread, some few weeks ago when you first posted it, I wanted to respond but was too busy at the time, and I had a lot to say then.

    Since then, I've found some extra time, and I'm clearer about what I wanted to write -- which will be more succinct now.

    From what I gather, given what you've written in this thread, your concept of "Conservative" really has nothing to do with what actual "Conservatives" would call "Conservative". Rather, you seem to be mistakenly using the word "Conservative", whereas what you actually should have used was "Conformative".

    You seem to want to *conform* to those around you, and you deem them to be "conservative", whereas they are actually just "reserved" (not flaunty or flirtatious, but staid and conforming to community expectations).

    To be an actual "Conservative", you'd have to speak more clearly to economic matters, or to issues like "the good old days". Instead, your concept seems to me to be more like "Conformity". You want to seem like those around you, that you're keen to fit in with.

    Of course, in case you're still asking.......... I don't expect this will be a path toward your happiness or greater self-realization. How do you expect to individualize your experience on this earth, while your so keen to fit in with those who are advocating a singular human experience?

    I'd also like to say: I've worked and travelled all across the eastern half of the US, and I spent several months in Milwaukee, so I know a little about the soup you're swimming in over there. One thing really struck me about Milwaukee: That is one deeply segregated city -- moreso than any I've worked in in the south -- and I'm talking deeeeeep south. What practically blew me away, was how ya'll do lunch-hour. When it came time for everyone to break for lunch, those who ate in the company cafeteria were perfectly segregated -- white people at some tables, and black people at other tables -- even though, on a day-to-day basis, they worked together. I'm talking, Black executives were lunching with the Black Janitor, and the White executives were lunching with the White support staff. Everywhere else I've been, and I'm talking East Texas, Louisianna, Mississippi, 'bama and Georgia -- everywhere else, the lunch seating wasn't so strictly racially divided, but organizational hierarchy played a roll.

    In Milwaukee -- for starters, there's only either White People or Black People, no other kinds of folks to speak of (in any significant numbers). On top of which, the place seems even more segregated than the south. Altogether, this lends me the impression that your concepts of "race relations" are rather skewed and "off" of what the reality can be elsewhere.

    I can tell you, as a "bi-racial person" (for lack of a better term), I think you're dead wrong about "mixing" (as you put it). I think a big part of why you're wrong, is owing to the extremely polarized place you live, your extremely restrictive upbringing as a JW, and your continued life in a rather small soup bowl, where the beans keep away from the rice, and the rice ain't got no time for the beans.

    I suggest you travel some. See more cosmopolitain places. Discover that there are other "races" than "White" and "Black".

    Lookit: I'm not trying to second guess how hard it must be to be Black in America. All I'm trying to get across is that the world is bigger than that, and you owe it to yourself to try to look beyond the boundaries of the narrow place you've been born into. If you did, you'd discover that people of different "races" are really more alike than they are different -- and that those with an open mind can receive riches that their closed-minded kin cannot even imagine. By "riches" I mean the wealth of friends, family and love. Love is boundless -- and if you try to restrict it, out of some desire to "conform" to your "peers" in "the Black Community", you'll always be restricting your experience in this lifetime, and it'll cost you things you'll be poorer for missing. JMT.

    Since I'm pretty sure you'll wonder: My parents are still happilly married, for almost 50 years now; even though one is "White" and the other is "Brown" (European and South Asian). I have two siblings, and altogether, for all of us, life is GREAT!

    Try to keep an open mind, while "thinking about it". Otherwise, you're not actualy thinking, you're just re-thinking what you've been taught to think.

    IN SUM: Yes, of course it is possible to be both "Conservative" and bisexual; but that's not what you were talking about in your OP. There, you were referring to "conformity" rather than actual "conservatism".

  24. #54

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?


  25. #55

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?

    I am both. The conservatives I know could not care less who you kiss or marry. I find that my liberal friends think that if you don't buy into their whole program then you don't "get it" and can't be one of them. My conservative friends, including a few diehard Democrats, have a spectrum of beliefs on issues . . . Just like their sexuality!
    BTW, in the early 20th century in the States anyway, we used to be called "liberal" when the other main choices were Communist, Socialist, monarchist, etc. somehow that name was co-opted by a group that is decidedly un-liberal.
    As far as non-mixing of cultures, I respect your right to that belief, but I disagree.
    thanks for starting a meaningful thread.

  26. #56

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?

    I am conservative financially on the political spectrum. I don't care who you date and I am for same sex marriage if it is loving. I am not in favor of continued financial support of people that can work. Life has its bumps that is for sure so help is needed at some points in life. But continued government support will not help the situation. By the way I am a bisexual cross-dresser...Yikes!

  27. #57

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?

    Of course. I'm a living example.

  28. #58

    Re: Is it possible to be bisexual and conservative?

    I am bisexual and conservative. never figured out how sexual position effected politics. I guess once people realize that a "political" group is just using them for a springboard for there own agenda they would wise up.




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