
The Random Thread

  1. good93
    Hey there, feel free to post anything on this post. Same rules as the main forums are applied in here also.
  2. lillian09
    Hello fellow nerds. I have been called the libraian, simply because I'm quiet, I read a lot, and, contrary to popular belief, I actually am a very social times, however, I can get a little wild.. What kind of nerds are you? Techy, baker (and yes you can be a nerd baker), movies, etc?
  3. good93
    Well I'm a video game nerd and movie nerd. I do like to read and am very social.
  4. MobbyBoy
    Hey guys. I just register to this site. I am a partial nerd.
  5. good93
    Hey MobbyBoy, welcome! And by partial nerd what do you mean?
  6. newbifemale
    I am definitely in the nerdy group....advanced degree, postgraduate, i like to think , discuss, share thoughts, and play. a bit too shy sometimes. but sincerity and genuiness is a must. I really am not into some of what looks like and sounds like trashy sex....I DO LIKE SEX> but i value it more in the context of emotional attachement, friendship, fun. I luv the outdoors, have 3 dogs and one more on the way eventually. Am sort of lonely here in SW va. Not sure how to proceed cause I am not into the bar scene. so what is left. is there any sort of organized group so that those of us who value being nerdy have an opportunity to meet and hang out even if only several times a year. I don't know how folks like us are suppose to meet others.
  7. Herculoid Poirot
    Herculoid Poirot
    i'm a book/video game/comic book/movie/music nerd. I like tech, but I'm not nerdy about it
  8. aLABiM75 & StrF51
    aLABiM75 & StrF51
    I am a versatile Nerd and also versatile sexually.
    Just like it all, as long as it keeps my interest: Games, Books, Movies, Comics, TV Shows, Toys, etc.

  9. PuckeredUp
    Bump...Hilarious (and nerdy, of course) porn parody titles: "Who's Eating Gilbert's Gape?" Who's got the next? Anyone?
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