
S/m and Endorphins

  1. Lady Enigma
    Lady Enigma
    S/m … most people equate this with pain and lots of it. Well that's mostly true. S/m can consist of a gentle over the knee (OTK Spanking). Or it may consist of an all out scene.

    What is a scene you may ask? A scene is where a sub/slave is tied up, could be to something known as a St Andrews Cross or other device and whipped, beat, paddled, caned, or other instriment of pain.

    Being scened, having pain inflicted, causes a reaction in the body. It sets off something known as endorphins. Now, endorphins are the body's natural pain killers. The more pain that is added the more endorphins are released. Endorphins cause a morphine like state without the itching. You feel dreamy and floaty. Some people add so much pain that the endorphins cause the person completely go out.

    Pain is added slowly. One must always start off light and work their way up. Harder and harder adding more pain as the persons endorphins take them on the ride of their life.

    Has anyone been scened? Does anyone know what endorphins feel like and could you explain your experience? Did you like it? Would you do it again?
  2. lightningrod53
    When I had first started experimenting with BDSM in the submissive role, I was scening with a woman who had tied my wrists to the ceiling and ankles to the floor, then combined nipple play with light paddling. I felt the rush of endorphins, then a wave of dizziness and my knees began to buckle. Fortunately the woman quickly released me and I sat with my head between my knees until the dizziness passed. I learned from that experience to take things slow and build up to the edge gradually.
  3. Lady Enigma
    Lady Enigma
    Yeah, that sounds like endorphins. Usually when sceneing, you want to keep the pain threshhold just inside the endorphins so that the endorphins can keep up.

    That's why a scene is taken slow. Paddles can be used for a whole scene but it must be taken slow. Light taps at first until there's a nice blush then go a little further and a little further.

    Endorphins can make you feel dizzy. Oft times give it time and the dizziness settles a bit. The woozy feeling doesn't however go away as long as pain is being inflicted.
  4. nicenewbie4fun
    I experienced an Endorphins reaction once when I was restrained face down Ass Up on the Bed for a Spanking and my Girl Friend who was upset over a previous argument we had gave my Bare Squirming/Flinching Ass a Sound Strapping nearly to tears and laying the Strap to my Ass with NO mercy When I suddenly got a Huge Erection and had an uncontrollable ORGASM! That was an AWESOME feeling indeed,but I have yet to Experience that same reaction since. )~;
  5. mrcumsalot
    I'm not sure where I fit in with your description of types of BDSm. From a very early age I have been submitted to beatings. My father is the first person to beat me, He did it on a very regular basis, either as discipline for doing something wrong or just because he enjoyed it. I knew when told to go to the basement and remove my clothes that I was "in for it" Sometimes he'd be right behind me on the stairs, sometimes I'd be made to wait an hour or two or three hours before he came down. I'd be naked all this time because if I weren't, the beating would be ten times worse. When he did come down at last, he'd have a very thick leather belt or he'd have a heavy paddle. I never knew where that paddle came from originally or for what other purpose it existed for other than my spankings. I only wished the damned thing would disappear just as magically as it appeared.He said noting except to warn me to bend over and not make too much noise or he'd keep hitting me until I shut up. The beating hurt like hell for years and seemed endless. I don't know when it happened, but I realized at some point that it wasn't as bad after all. I did't know it at the time but though it was just as brutal as always, I just did not mind it as I used to. At some point I seemed to actually crave it. I had to older brothers who often teased me about my beatings and about how they knew I liked being naked in front of my dad. Nothing could have been further from the truth at the time a I absolutely hated my nakedness in front of anyone. About a year after my dad died my brothers decided they'd take over my punishments. They were way more brutal than my dad. They made me lay face down on my bed, they tied m hands over my head an took turns beating me with the same belt,or paddle dad used One ime they used a coat hanger. They decided it caused too much damage and worried my inability to walk afterward might give them away. As much as they enjoyed my beatings, they seemed to enjoy my naked state even more so and teased e mercilessly. Not ong afte and they started to ejaculate on body, face and eventually I was made to suck their dicks. Things just went on from there. It never end until the marrid and movd away. I haven't seen them since.

    Today, years later, I seem to have a craving for beatings. I also have a need to serve my men in any way possible no matter how degrading or painful. I have never been in a relationship, choosing instead to pick up strange men and asking them to do as they please with me as long as it includes tying me down and canning,whipping, slapping, urinating and anything else they can think of that they want to do.I never, ever give any limit and never say no or talk back in any manner...they are in 100% control. I thrive in giving them myself body and soul.
  6. cornholejoe
    about 3 years ago i let this one man i knew have me any way he wanted 1 or 2 times a week when he called i would go to his house and he would put me on his fucking stand i was tied and he would start by whipping my ass with a leather strap or paddle most times he would make me beg him to stop but if i did he would whip harder and longer then i would have to suck his cock he made deep throathim and swallow his cum he also would use butt plugs and dildos on me after the first 3 or 4 times i was on the stand and he said you are ready now for my surprize for you that when 5 men came in the room and i got gangbanged when they got done and left after about 3 hrs. had cum running out of my asshole he just laughed at me and said i saved the best for last thats when he used a horse whip on my ass he left me with red welts on my ass then while i was ready to be set free he came in with i more man he said now you get horsefucked the man had 8 plus inchs and was really thick the really bad part was after the man fucked my ass for awhile he made me do ass to mouth with the man and he kept saying how you like it bottom bitch well that the last time i ever went to his house learned my lesson
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