
Wife found out

  1. ageless57
    Hi first time here and have only shown myself as bi online have been wanting to come out but having a lot of fear ,looking for answers my wife has give me one chance to stay with her or find out if I really am bi,
  2. pole_smoker
    So talk to her. She's on your side it's not like she's kicking you out and telling you she wants a divorce.
  3. currious sucker
    currious sucker
    Yes talk to her she will suport you if you allow her to filter your encounter that is if she will alow you to do anal if not she is closed minded and you have to make your mind up to continue or push her aside I would not push her aside it is to hard to find a good women slow down and explane your thought she might understand. maybe? toulf times walking a tite rope
  4. DiscreetEncounters44
    This is a really tough situation. You for sure knew that you had some inkling of being bi before you married her, but you kept it quiet, just as I did. I stayed straight and faithful although difficult every single day, because I wanted to have my own family. We raised 2 sons. The desire never goes away, it only ebbs and flows. If you have kids, do everything you can to keep the family together for their sake. Your decision was your decision. Now live up to it. If there are no kids, stand up like a man and, because you love her, be completely honest with her...the fact that she can't completely satisfy you needs to be spelled out. You have to decide first if you can control your desires. Having already opened up to her, she has every right to demand that you make a forthright DE ision...and the sooner the better. At this time it is all about her, not you
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