
Carmen’s Bi Fantasy

  1. Plumhead2
    I am reposting a story I wrote and posted in another website. It is more appropriate here.

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    Carmen had met her at the Department store. Lisa came up behind her while she was trying on a new dress.

    “Well, that ought to catch someone’s eye,” Lisa remarked, “You look scrumpscious in that outfit.” She licked her lips expectantly like a cat waiting for her owner to place a bowl of milk down on the floor.

    The two women giggled and so the friendship began. For some reason, they just clicked even though they were in some ways an unlikely pair. Carmen was some twenty years younger than Lisa, but there was something between them . . . something tempting and exciting . . . something that made both their pussies tingle as they talked.

    From that day on, they visited each other’s houses, some times for coffee and talk, some times just to talk. As the friendship deepened, they each felt comfortable confiding all sorts of personal things to each other.

    One morning, they were talking over coffee when Carmen blurted out that she was afraid men wouldn’t want to have sex with her because her pubic hair was so bushy. She said that she was just too scared to shave herself and too embarrassed to go to a place to get waxed.

    Well, why don’t you let me shave you,” Lisa responded, “I’m pretty good at shaving. I shave Jack’s pubes when it gets so long that it gets in my nose when I give him a bj.”

    The both laughed and Carmen looked a bit nervous.

    “Come on,” Lisa encouraged, “it’s not like I never saw a naked woman before.”

    She led Carmen to her bathroom and motioned for Carmen to sit on the toilet. Lathering up her pubic area, Lisa started to shave off the curly underbrush between Carmen’s legs. Lisa’s began to feel a bit nervous as she realized that she was getting turned on by being so close to Carmen’s pussy. Carmen, on her part, was starting to breath deeply and her face was getting red.

    Very carefully, Lisa cleared away the hairs from Carmen’s labial lips and what she discovered made her gasp. Peeking out from the top of Carmen’s vagina was a large clit, larger than any other that Lisa had seen in pics on adult websites. In addition, one labia lip was long than the other and it hung down in such a sexy way.

    “Oh, my god,” Carmen cried, “I have always worried about what people would think about my ‘lady parts’.”

    Lisa quickly attempted to soothe her worries, “No, my dear, don’t let it worry you. You are so . . . incredible sexy there . . . I mean . . .” But now her embarrassment made her lose her words.
    Lisa used a warm, damp handcloth to wipe away the lather, but as she did so Carmen’s clit suddenly became engorged. A shiver went down, Lisa’s spine and her mind suddenly got hazy. As if guided by some outside force, she leaned forward and licked that swollen nub of flesh.

    “Oh,” sighed Carmen, “Oh, yes, that feels soooo good. I . . . I . . .” and her words were stopped in their tracks as Carmen’s lust took over.

    As she sensed Carmen getting more and more aroused, Lisa started to explore this new world (for her) of girl-sex. She moved her tongue over to lick Carmen’s labial lips and again, she could hear a moan of pleasure escape Carmen’s mouth. Simultaneously, she could taste a flood of wetness flowing from Carmen’s pussy. The taste was making her feel . . . aroused.

    Meanwhile, Carmen was overcome with the pleasure. This was just what she fantasized about. It felt so good, but suddenly she became scared and started to scoot away from Lisa’s tongue.

    “No you don’t now,” Lisa commanded, “I’m have not finished pleasuring you.” And with that she nibbled and pulled at Carmen’s pendulous labia. Carmen responded by bucking her hips and pushing her pussy forward towards Lisa’s face. Carmen was on fire now, here lust overcoming all fears and sense. She was moaning and squirming and the feeling of tenseness in her legs and tummy was growing stronger and stronger.

    Lisa, enjoying her exploration of her friend’s pussy, slid a finger into her vagina, found her g-spot, and started to massage it. Another round of wetness flooded out of Carmen and Lisa licked it up hungrily. That did it. Carmen raised her hips up high and then slammed them down fast. A strong stream of woman juice shot out of her pussy and landed on Lisa’s chest. Again and again it shot out as Carmen screamed a series of “OH’s” and “AH’s”. Her body was wracked with spasms as she gave herself up to waves of pleasure sweeping over her.

    As the seismic trembling finally subsided, Lisa turned to Carmen and declared, “You are not going anywhere. This is the first taste of a woman that I have experienced, and I want more . . .”
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