
Group get together?

  1. CurEUs_Male
    Hey guys, how many of you would be willing to get together for a social gathering? Dinner, or just a happy hour?
    Reading a lot of things about bi invisibility lately, wintering if we should try and be a little less hidden. At least amongst our selves...
  2. CurEUs_Male
    I was considering a MD based meet-up group for the interest of bi-men, there are literally hundreds if people near us with that interest...
    Would you join a group like that? Would you be open to a monthly get together with like minded guys?
  3. tastelessface
    I'd be interested in a meet and greet.
  4. mdcannoli
    Yes, I'm interested. Happy hour makes the most sense to me.
  5. newbiguy09
    I would love to join. How do i sign up?
  6. mdcannoli
    What if we just pick a time and place like a park or a sports bar? Is Columbia a reasonable compromise area?
  7. themrdarcy
    I'd love a meetup.
  8. sealegs
    I'm up for it. Just let me know. Maybe someone should step up, be brave, and just pick someplace they would go to alone for a drink. Went to one, well formed in Maine, at a hotel bar (just in case!)
  9. CurEUs_Male
    OK guys... summer is over, time for fall to begin.
    I had the pleasure of meeting with a group of men that are out to their wives for a social dinner, but missed more bi oriented guys like myself.

    Seems we have a few of us, and I think Columbia is a reasonable area to pick to meet. I've been to one spot down that way... what do you all thing about:
    Although I do not know if they have an area for a large group. I'm open to other suggestions too

    Second Tuesday in October (the 8th)? Starting at 6PM?
  10. millerlarry
    I am interested. Just let me know when and where. Thanks
  11. mdcannoli
    Tuesday is half price martini day. Egads! It's a possibility - yes.
  12. mdcannoli
    there's also PWs in Laurel which seems like a friendly place. Never been there.
    Any interest?
  13. CurEUs_Male
    Gay bar, I stopped in once.... wasn't too impressed, but it was the afternoon during early commute.
    I'm game for where ever everyone is comfortable.
  14. millerlarry
    I'll try and make it. Maybe sometime a meet-up in Baltimore as well.
  15. FunE1
    I would be interested in a meetup... Weds-Suns work better for me. Columbia seems a good compromise; and PW's in Laurel would be good. They have good food and folks are nice there (I am usually there Friday evenings from about 630 to 900p), although it's smallish. Anyway, will try to make any gathering put together.
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