
Where to meet

  1. mdcannoli
    Where would you meet for the first time? Internet dating is frickin weird. I do better in person. Would you meet for coffee, alcohol, food, fishing, bowling, live music, theatre or just a walk in the park?
  2. Dukota
    My vote would be an activity of some sort. Something conducive to some privacy and open conversation without trapping any party to the event or being overly isolated. Fishing, hiking, parks, community events, or even perhaps mall walking/shopping depending on group size and interests would all seem to fit the bill.
    Good topic btw op.
  3. windsox41
    I would meet you in a public place like a restaurant or a coffee shop. This way if nothing developed I had a wonderful time. If, we did hit it off, my mind is running with possibilities.
  4. babyrmd
    I have met guys, women and couples (mm, mf) at different places. Guys I either meet at their homes, because I try to make people feel comfortable when meeting for the first time, by talking and getting to know each other. Sometimes I meet them at a park and ride and talk in their car or go for a walk on a trail in the woods , have met guys at secluded parks, which are not secluded any longer. I have met mf couples at resturants for lunch. So there are many ways of meeting up with people. The main thing is to make them feel comfortable and be open and honest about what you are looking for, likes and dislikes. Also, in my case when they tell me what they want me to do for them, I gladly do it Even if I know it is going to be a one time thing. OH, one other thing, when I say I am going to be there, I WILL be there...I hope more people would do the same.
  5. mdcannoli
    I'm in college park. Greenbelt park is close. In Gaithersburg there's a lake off of Clopper that's nice. Does BS have a mobile app? has a nice app that uses gps to tell you who is close. We could find each other on the go. Planning in advance is sometimes hard to do. I'm free today. Try mdcannoli at yahoo , squirt, or here.
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