

"Can I Suck It?" - Part II

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[FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Don't get me wrong - there were a whole lot of times when I was dying to ask a guy if I could suck his dick but I didn't get the chance to because either he wound up asking me or the moment just slipped away from me, leaving me mentally kicking my own ass and asking myself why didn't I ask when I had the chance. And, yeah, sometimes, no matter how badly I'd want to suck some guy's dick, there were other things about him that made sure that I wouldn't let the question out.

Then I had to consider something: Would the other guy think I was begging to suck his dick? I'd had so many guys ask to blow me and I could hear the... desperation in his voice along with his growing excitement and sometimes I'd be a little annoyed since those guys usually were whining while asking... and I didn't want to sound like that and more so when I'd seen some guys begging to suck a dick and the guy they were begging wouldn't be "nice" about it, often teasing them mercilessly and getting the poor guy's hopes up... then crushing their hopes by saying no or, worse, running around later and telling everyone they knew that so-and-so was a cock sucking faggot.

Yeah... I wasn't having any of that and, besides, since guys were asking me if they could suck me or if I'd suck them, I didn't have to ask them. I learned, however, that there was a big difference between someone [I]asking[/I] and someone [B]telling[/B] me, like implying that things would be bad for me if I didn't do as they said and suck their dick. I didn't like that at all and I guessed while that tactic worked on other guys, they didn't know it wasn't going to work on me because when they'd say something like, "Suck my dick or else!" I'd fire back, "Or else what?" Some guys would say that they were gonna beat me up and then make me suck their dick and sometimes I'd say, "Try it..." because they had no idea that I'd been studying judo and karate since I was nine... and I was very good at both.

Sometimes I'd get into some really heavy cock sucking with a guy and, somewhere along the line, he'd ask me why I hadn't asked him if we could do this... and, to my own surprise, well, I didn't know why I didn't ask and it wasn't like the question was on my lips to begin with - I just didn't. I thought that maybe it was because I'd gotten so used to other guys popping the question that I didn't have to - all I had to do was wait for them to bring it up and since I had this on my mind to begin with, I already knew I was going to say yes.

Sometimes it made me feel like I was a chicken about asking and there might have been some truth to that since, again, I'd seen guys ask to suck a dick... and it didn't go well for them - and they didn't get to suck that dick.[/SIZE][/FONT]

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