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  1. Evolution of a site, what has happened to the caring?

    by , Mar 10, 2012 at 4:16 AM (DD's Corner This and That and in between)
    Hi guys,

    I can't help but contrast the site now with the archives I read from as recently as four years ago. Back then people came here for help and received warm, caring replies not very long after posting. Now, we have threads where people come for help and they have many, many views with few replies. The replies they do receive are most of the time just derogatory towards the poster. How dare someone look through her husband's files, how dare she question her bi mate? How dare he wonder about what his wife will think about his wanting to sleep with another male? How dare... they dare because they need help. They have questions, they have concerns and they turn to a place that is normally full of individuals who can help, who can understand what they are going through.

    I would love to see the site back to what it was, but sadly that probably won't happen. The members who cared enough to take the time to craft a warm and welcoming and informative reply have left the site as it became more a place to discuss politics and less a place to discuss life and the realities of dealing with being bisexual or having a bisexual partner.

    So please when you see a thread, even if you think it's been asked countless times before... remember for that person, it's their first time and they need help every bit as much as the first person to post it. Let's help not hinder. Many here have unique perspectives regarding their life as bisexuals and their interaction with partners who are not bisexual. Many here are partners of bisexuals and have insight into how it affects their lives and what parts of their thinking needed to be expanded to deal with their bisexual mate.
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