View Full Version : Stone Cold steve austin on same sex marriage

Long Duck Dong
Apr 24, 2014, 2:40 AM

I love stone cold.....he calls it like he sees it.... and the whole time, he is doing so in a honest, straight up front, hold the bs and pass the beer, style of talking

There is no judgement of other people or churches, no reverse condemnation of their beliefs, accusations of bi / homophobia, just honest to god, NSFW stone cold steve austin......

my kinda man, my kinda talking..... give me a hell yeah!!!!!

Apr 24, 2014, 8:43 AM
From my perspective this is boring old news and the only thing of interest for a bisexual is that he refers to a threesome. (unfortunately he refers to dogs though...lol)

Hell, Jodie Foster got married the other day to a woman....so what? Time to move on to real bisexual issues that are not old news. It is lining up to support the inevitable in the US. Needed I suppose but nothing to get excited about a man swearing stating that same sex marriage is right. I would have to say that there was a fair amount of judgement against some Christian fundamentalists. It is just a judgement that aligns with LDD 's beliefs and dreams